Thursday, March 27, 2008

Pierre and Carlo Spa and Salon

I am pleased to announce that another local business has donated an item to our exhibition - Pierre and Carlo Spa and Salon have donated a gift certificate for services at their spa and salon.

Since the 1930's, Tyler School of Art has played an enormous role in the arts community of our area. At about the same time that Stella Elkins Tyler donated her estate to Temple University to establish an art school, the Cheltenham Art Center was founded by two female ahead-of-their-time artists. With Tyler's departure, a void in the arts of our area will be felt. The Cheltenham Art Center is poised to fill that void with its wonderful educational programs and exhibitions.

However, the art center is struggling for survival. There is just not enough public support or funding for the arts. We, as supporters of the arts, need to make sure that the arts continue to thrive in Cheltenham Township, even with Tyler's departure!

Fast Forward is not only a farewell exhibition to Tyler School of Art, it is a chance for us to show how important the arts are in Cheltenham Township. Fast Forward is a fundraiser and donations such as Pierre and Carlo's will be used in a raffle to raise money for the art center.

Please consider making a donation as well. As much or as little as you can. Every little bit helps!

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